Source code for repoman.common.filters.latest

#!/usr/bin/env python


Get's the latest N rpms (1 by default)
import re
import logging

from . import ArtifactFilter
from ..utils import split

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: noqa

[docs]class LatestFilter(ArtifactFilter): __doc__ = __doc__ DEFAULT_CONFIG = {} CONFIG_SECTION = 'LatestFilter'
[docs] def filter(self, filters_str, art_list): match = re.match(r'latest(=(?P<num>\d+))?(:.*)?$', filters_str) if not match or not art_list: return filters_str, art_list filters_str = split(filters_str, ':', 1)[-1] latest = match.groupdict().get('num', 1) or 1 stores = [store.get_empty_copy() for store in self.stores] # populate the stores with the artifacts for artifact in art_list: for store in stores: if store.handles_artifact(artifact): store.add_artifact(artifact) # only add it to the first matching store break # gather the latest artifacts from each store filtered_arts = set() for store in stores: filtered_arts = filtered_arts.union( art.path for art in store.get_latest(num=int(latest)) ) for artifact in filtered_arts: logger.debug("Passed the filter: %s", artifact) return (filters_str, filtered_arts)