Source code for repoman.common.repo

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding:utf-8
This module holds the class and methods to manage a repository.

In our case a repository is not just a yum repository but a set of them and
another files, in the following structure::

    ├── store1_dir
    │   └── ...
    └── store2_dir
        └── ...
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
from functools import wraps

import tempfile
import atexit

from . import utils
from .parser import Parser
from .stores import STORES

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def cleanup(temp_dir): if os.path.isdir(temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)'Cleaning up temporary dir %s', temp_dir)
[docs]def loaded(func): @wraps(func) def _func(self, *args, **kwargs): self.load() return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return _func
[docs]class Repo(object): """ Represents the repository sctructure, it does not require that the repo has the structure specified in the module doc when loading it, but when adding new rpms or generating the sources it will create the new files in that directory structure. Configuration options: * allowed_repo_paths Comma separated list of paths where repositories can be found/created """ def __init__(self, path, config): """ :param path: Path to the base directory, if passed it will automatically add all the rpms under it to the repo. :param config: Configuration instance with the repository configuration. """ self.path = os.path.abspath(path) self.config = config self.added_artifacts = [] self.loaded = False self.parser = None logger.debug(config) for allowed_path in self.config.getarray('allowed_repo_paths'): if self.path.startswith(allowed_path): break else: if self.config.getarray('allowed_repo_paths'): raise Exception("Repo path outside allowed paths %s" % self.path) self.stores = config.getarray('stores') temp_dir = self.config.get('temp_dir') if temp_dir == 'generate': temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() else: if temp_dir == 'generate-in-repo': temp_dir = os.path.join(self.path, '.lago_tmp') if not os.path.exists(temp_dir): os.makedirs(temp_dir) temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_dir) atexit.register(cleanup, temp_dir) self.config.set('temp_dir', temp_dir)
[docs] def load(self): """ Actually load all the stores and load the contents of the repo """ if self.loaded: return logger.debug('Loading repo %s', self.path) self.stores = dict([ ( key, val( config=self.config.get_section('store.' + key), repo_path=self.path ) ) for (key, val) in STORES.iteritems() if key in self.stores or 'all' in self.stores ]) self.config.set('stores', ', '.join(self.stores.keys())) self.parser = Parser( config=self.config, stores=self.stores, ) self.loaded = True
[docs] def add_source(self, artifact_source): """ Generic function to add an artifact to the repo. Some base (meta-)sources are supported, like: * `conf:path/to/file`: This will include all the sources defined in the file `path/to/file`, it supports shell comments in the file, and empty lines * `stdin`: This will read any sources passd through stdin, with the same format as conf: files (`cat sources | repoman myrepo add stdin` is the same as `repoman myrepo add conf:sources`) * `repo-suffix:suffix_string`: This allows you to define a suffix string for the destination repo, it's helpful to allow generating custom repos from a base one, when the repoman command is hardcoded (with the combination of stdin source) * `repo-extra-dir:dirname`: This allows you to define an extra subdir string for the destination repo, it's helpful to allow generating custom repos from a base one, when the repoman command is hardcoded (with the combination of stdin source). :param artifact_source: source string of the artifact to add """ # Handle the special case of a config file, a metasource (source of # sources) if artifact_source.startswith("conf:"): conf_path = artifact_source.split(':', 1)[1] if conf_path == 'stdin': self.parse_source_stream(sys.stdin.readlines()) return with open(artifact_source.split(':', 1)[1]) as conf_file_fd: self.parse_source_stream(conf_file_fd) return elif artifact_source.startswith("repo-suffix:"): repo_suffix = artifact_source.split(':', 1)[-1]'Adding repo suffix %s', repo_suffix) self.add_path_suffix(suffix=repo_suffix) return elif artifact_source.startswith("repo-extra-dir:"): repo_extra_dir = artifact_source.split(':', 1)[-1]'Adding repo extra dir %s', repo_extra_dir) self.add_path_extra_dir(dirname=repo_extra_dir) return self.load()'Resolving artifact source %s', artifact_source) artifact_paths = self.parser.parse(artifact_source) for artifact_path in artifact_paths: for store in self.stores.itervalues(): if store.handles_artifact(artifact_path): store.add_artifact(artifact_path) self.added_artifacts.append(artifact_path)
[docs] def parse_source_stream(self, source_stream): """ Given a iterable of sources, add all that apply, skipping comments and empty lines :param source_stream: iterable with the sources, can be an open file object as returned by `open` """ for line in source_stream: if not line.strip() or line.strip().startswith('#'): continue self.add_source(line.strip())
[docs] @loaded def save(self): """ Realize all the changes made so far """ for store in self.stores.itervalues():
[docs] @loaded def delete_old(self, num_to_keep=1, noop=False): """ Remove any old versions but the latest `num_to_keep` :param num_to_keep: Number of versions to keef for each artifact :param noop: if True will not actually remove anything """ if not num_to_keep: return removed = [] for store in self.stores.itervalues(): for artifact in store.get_all_but_latest(num=num_to_keep): removed.append(artifact) if not noop: store.delete_version(, art_version=artifact.version, ) return removed
[docs] def add_path_suffix(self, suffix): """ Adds a suffix to the repo's path Args: suffix (str): Suffix to postpend to the repo's path Returns: None """ clean_suffix = utils.sanitize_file_name(suffix) if self.loaded: for store in self.stores.values(): store.change_path(store.path + clean_suffix) self.path += clean_suffix
[docs] def add_path_extra_dir(self, dirname): """ Adds an extra subdir to the curret path Args: dirname (str): Name of the extra dir to add Returns: None """ clean_dirname = utils.sanitize_file_name(dirname) self.rebase(new_path=os.path.join(self.path, clean_dirname))
[docs] def rebase(self, new_path): """ Changes the root path of the repo Args: new_path (str): New path to root the repo to Returns: None """ logger.debug('Rebasing repo %s to %s', self.path, new_path) previously_added_artifacts = self.added_artifacts self.__init__(path=new_path, config=self.config) self.added_artifacts = previously_added_artifacts if self.added_artifacts: self.load() for added_artifact in self.added_artifacts: for store in self.stores.itervalues(): if store.handles_artifact(added_artifact): logger.debug('Readding artifact %s', added_artifact) store.add_artifact(added_artifact)