Source code for repoman.common.stores.RPM

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding:utf-8
This module holds the class and methods to manage an rpm store and it's

In our case an rpm store is not just a yum repository but a set of them and
src files, in the following structure::

    ├── rpm
    │   ├── $dist1  <- this is a yum repository
    │   │   ├── repodata
    │   │   │   └── ...
    │   │   ├── SRPMS
    │   │   │   ├── $srcrpm1
    │   │   │   ├── $srcrpm2
    │   │   │   └── ...
    │   │   ├── $arch1
    │   │   │   ├── $rpm1
    │   │   │   ├── $rpm2
    │   │   │   └── ...
    │   │   ├── $arch2
    │   │   └── ...
    │   ├── $dist2  <- another yum reposiory
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── ...
    └── src
        ├── $project1
        │   │   ├── $source1
        │   │   ├── $source1.sig
        │   │   ├── $source2
        │   │   └── ...
        │   └── ...
        └── ...
import os
import logging
import subprocess
import multiprocessing as mp
from .. import ArtifactStore
from .RPM import (
from ...utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CreaterepoError(Exception): pass
[docs]class CreatereposError(Exception): pass
[docs]class RPMStore(ArtifactStore): """ Represents the repository sctructure, it does not require that the repo has the structure specified in the module doc when loading it, but when adding new rpms or generating the sources it will create the new files in that directory structure. You can pass rpm properties (like version, distro, arch or major_version) as python's format variables and they will be expanded at runtime for each rpm using the expansion as store path, for example '/myrepo/{major_version}' will create all the repository structure under that path for each rpm (if you have multiple independent rpms that does not make much senes though, but you get the idea) Configuration options: * distro_reg Regular expression to extract the distribution from the release string * extra_symlinks Comma separated list of orig:symlink pairs to create links, the paths * on_wrong_distro Action to execute when a package has an incorrect distro (it's release string does not match the distro_reg regular expression). Possible values are 'fail', 'copy_to_all' or anything else. The default is 'fail', if 'copy_to_all' specified it will copy the rpm to all the distros (it needs to have any other distros in the dst repo, or other rpms with a defined distro). If anything else specified, it will warn and skip that rpm. * path_prefix Prefixes of this store inside the globl artifact repository, separated by commas * rpm_dir name of the directory that will contain the rpms (rpm by default), if empty, it will not create a subdirectory for the rpms and will be put on the root of the repo (root/$dist/$arch/*rpm) * signing_key Path to the gpg keey to sign the rpms with, will not sign them if not set * signing_passphrase Passphrase for the above key * temp_dir Temporary dir to store any transient downloads (like rpms from urls). The caller should make sure it exists and clean it up if needed. * with_sources If true, will extract the sources form the scrrpms * with_srcrpms If false, will ignore the srcrpms will be relative to the store root path. """ CONFIG_SECTION = 'RPMStore' DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'distro_reg': r'\.(fc|el)\d+(?=\w*)', 'extra_symlinks': '', 'on_wrong_distro': 'fail', 'path_prefix': 'rpm,src', 'rpm_dir': 'rpm', 'signing_key': '', 'signing_passphrase': 'ask', 'temp_dir': 'generate', 'with_sources': 'false', 'with_srcrpms': 'true', } def __init__(self, config, repo_path=None): """ :param repo_path: Path to the repository directory, if passed it will automatically add all the rpms under it to the repo if any. :param config: configuration for the store """ ArtifactStore.__init__( self, config=config, artifacts=RPMList(), ) = self.__class__.__name__ self._path_prefix = config.get('path_prefix').split(',') self.path = repo_path or ('Non persistent %s' % self.realized_paths = set() self.rpmdir = config.get('rpm_dir') self.to_copy = [] self.distros = set() self.sign_key = config.get('signing_key') self.sign_passphrase = config.get('signing_passphrase') self.on_wrong_distro = config.get('on_wrong_distro') # init first, add existing repo after if repo_path:'Loading repo %s', repo_path) for pkg in list_files(repo_path, '.rpm'): self.add_artifact( pkg, to_copy=False, hidelog=True, )'Repo %s loaded', repo_path) @property def path_prefix(self): return self._path_prefix
[docs] def get_store_path(self, pkg): store_path = self.path.format(**pkg.__dict__) self.realized_paths.add(store_path) return store_path
[docs] def handles_artifact(self, artifact): if self.config.get('with_srcrpms').lower() == 'false': return ( artifact.endswith('.rpm') and not artifact.endswith('.src.rpm') ) else: return artifact.endswith('.rpm')
[docs] def add_artifact(self, pkg, **args): self.add_rpm(pkg, **args)
[docs] def add_rpm(self, pkg, onlyifnewer=False, to_copy=True, hidelog=False): """ Generic functon to add an rpm package to the repo. :param pkg: path or url to the rpm file to add :param onlyifnewer: If set to True, will only add the package if it's not there already or the version is newer than the on already there. :param to_copy: If set to True, will add that package to the list of packages to copy into the repo when saving, usually used when adding new packages to the repo. :param hidelog: If set to True will not show the extra information (used when loading a repository to avoid verbose output) """ try: pkg = RPM( pkg, temp_dir=self.config.get('temp_dir'), distro_reg=self.config.get('distro_reg'), verify_ssl=self.config.getboolean('verify_ssl'), ) except WrongDistroException: if self.on_wrong_distro == 'copy_to_all': 'Malformed release string on %s, will copy to all distros', pkg, ) pkg = RPM( pkg, temp_dir=self.config.get('temp_dir'), distro_reg=self.config.get('distro_reg'), to_all_distros=('.*',), ) elif self.on_wrong_distro == 'fail': raise else: if self.on_wrong_distro != 'warn': logger.warn( 'Wrong value for store.%s.on_wrong_distro (%s), ' 'assumming "warn"', self.CONFIG_SECTION, self.on_wrong_distro, ) logging.warn('Malformed release string on %s, skipping', pkg) return if self.artifacts.add_pkg(pkg, onlyifnewer): if to_copy: self.to_copy.append(pkg) else: store_path = self.path.format(**pkg.__dict__) self.realized_paths.add(store_path) if not hidelog: 'Adding package %s to repo %s', pkg.path, self.path, ) else: if not hidelog: "Not adding %s, there's already an equal or newer " "version", pkg, ) if pkg.distro != 'all': self.distros.add(pkg.distro)
[docs] def save(self, **args): self._save(**args)
def _save(self, onlylatest=False): """ Copy all the extra rpms added to the repository and save it's state. :param onlylatest: Only copy the latest version of the added rpms. """'Saving new added rpms into %s', self.path) for pkg in self.to_copy: if onlylatest and not self.is_latest_version(pkg): 'Skipping %s a newer version is already in the repo.', pkg, ) continue if pkg.distro == 'all': if not self.distros: raise Exception( 'No distros found in the repo and no packages with ' 'any distros added.' ) dst_distros = self.distros else: dst_distros = [pkg.distro] for distro in dst_distros: pkg_path = pkg.generate_path(self.rpmdir) if pkg.distro == 'all': dst_path = ( os.path.join( self.get_store_path(pkg), pkg_path % distro ) ) else: dst_path = os.path.join( self.get_store_path(pkg), pkg_path, ) save_file(pkg.path, dst_path) pkg.path = dst_path if self.sign_key: self.sign_rpms() if self.config.getboolean('with_sources'): self.generate_sources( with_patches=self.config.getboolean('with_sources'), key=self.config.get('signing_key'), passphrase=self.sign_passphrase, ) self.createrepos() self.create_symlinks()'')'Saved %s\n', self.path) self.to_copy = []
[docs] def is_latest_version(self, pkg): """ Check if the given package is the latest version in the repo :pram pkg: RPM instance of the package to compare """ verlist = self.artifacts.get(pkg.full_name, {}) if not verlist or pkg.full_version in verlist.get_latest(): return True return False
def _generate_sources_for_added_only(self, with_patches=False, key=None, passphrase=None): for pkg in self.to_copy: if not pkg.is_source: continue"Parsing srpm %s", pkg) dst_dir = '%s/src/%s' % (self.get_store_path(pkg), pkg._name) extract_sources(pkg.path, dst_dir, with_patches) if key: sign_detached(dst_dir, key, passphrase)'src dir generated') def _generate_sources_for_all(self, with_patches=False, key=None, passphrase=None): for versions in self.artifacts.itervalues(): for version in versions.itervalues(): for inode in version.itervalues(): pkg = inode[0] if pkg.is_source: break else: continue"Parsing srpm %s", pkg) dst_dir = '%s/src/%s' % (self.get_store_path(pkg), pkg._name) extract_sources(pkg.path, dst_dir, with_patches) if key: sign_detached(dst_dir, key, passphrase)
[docs] def generate_sources(self, with_patches=False, key=None, passphrase=None): """ Generate the sources directory from all the srcrpms :param with_patches: If set, will also extract the .patch files from the srcrpm :param key: If set to the path of a gpg key, will use that key to create the detached signatures of the extracted sources :param passphrase: Passphrase to unlock the key """'')'Extracting sources')"Generating src directory from srpms") if self.to_copy: generate_function = self._generate_sources_for_added_only else: generate_function = self._generate_sources_for_all generate_function( with_patches=with_patches, key=key, passphrase=passphrase, )'src dir generated')
[docs] @staticmethod def createrepo(dst_dir): createrepo_cmd = 'createrepo' with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: if ['which', 'createrepo_c'], stdout=devnull, ) == 0: createrepo_cmd = 'createrepo_c' srpms_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'SRPMS') res = [createrepo_cmd, '--excludes=*.src.rpm', dst_dir], stdout=devnull, ) if os.path.exists(srpms_dir): res += [createrepo_cmd, srpms_dir], stdout=devnull, ) if res != 0: raise CreaterepoError( "Createrepo failed on %s with rc %d" % (dst_dir, res) )
[docs] def createrepos(self): """ Generate the yum repositories metadata """'')'Updating metadata') procs = [] for distro in self.distros:' Creating metadata for %s', distro) for path in self.realized_paths: dst_dir = os.path.join(path, self.rpmdir, distro) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): logger.debug('Skipping non-existing path %s', dst_dir) continue new_proc = mp.Process( target=self.createrepo, args=(dst_dir,), ) new_proc.start() procs.append(new_proc) for proc in procs: proc.join() if proc.exitcode != 0: raise CreatereposError("Failed to create some repos metadata")
[docs] def delete_old(self, keep=1, noop=False): """ Delete the oldest versions for each package from the repo :param keep: Maximium number of versions to keep of each package :param noop: If set, will only log what will be done, not actually doing anything. """ new_rpms = RPMList(self.artifacts) for name, versions in self.artifacts.iteritems(): if len(versions) <= keep: continue to_keep = RPMName() for _ in range(keep): latest = versions.get_latest() to_keep.update(latest) versions.pop(latest.keys()[0]) new_rpms[name] = to_keep for version in versions.keys():'Deleting %s version %s', name, version) versions.del_version(version, noop) self.artifacts = new_rpms
[docs] def get_rpms(self, regmatch=None, fmatch=None, latest=0): """ Get the list of rpms, filtered or not. :param regmatch: Regular expression that will be applied to the path of each package to filter it :param fmatch: Filter function that must return True for a package to be selected, will be passed the RPM object as only parameter :param latest: If set to N>0, it will return only the N latest versions for each package """ logger.debug('RPMStore.get_rpms::regmatch=%s', regmatch) logger.debug('RPMStore.get_rpms::fmatch=%s', fmatch) logger.debug('RPMStore.get_rpms::latest=%s', latest) return self.artifacts.get_artifacts( regmatch=regmatch, fmatch=fmatch, latest=latest, )
[docs] def get_latest(self, regmatch=None, fmatch=None, num=1): """ Return the num latest versions for each rpm in the repo :param num: number of latest versions to return :rtype: `repoman.common.artifact.Artifact` """ return [ pkg for pkg in self.get_rpms(regmatch=regmatch, fmatch=fmatch, latest=num) ]
[docs] def get_artifacts(self, regmatch=None, fmatch=None): """ Returns the list of artifacts matching the params :param regmatch: Regular expression to filter the rpms path with :param fmatch: Filter function, must return True for packages to be included, or False to be excluded. The package object will be passed as parameter """ return self.get_rpms( regmatch=regmatch, fmatch=fmatch, )
[docs] def sign_rpms(self): """ Sign all the unsigned rpms in the repo. """ gpg = gpg_unlock( key_path=self.sign_key, passphrase=self.sign_passphrase ) keyuid = gpg_get_keyuid(self.sign_key, gpg=gpg) key_hex = gpg_get_keyhex(self.sign_key, gpg=gpg) del(gpg)'')'Signing packages with key: %s', self.sign_key)'Signing key uid: %s', keyuid)'Signing key hex: %s', key_hex) for pkg in self.get_rpms():'Got package %s', pkg)'Signature: %s', pkg.key_hex) for pkg in self.get_rpms( fmatch=lambda pkg: pkg.key_hex != key_hex ): pkg.sign(key_path=self.sign_key, passwd=self.sign_passphrase)"Done signing")
[docs] def change_path(self, new_path): """ Changes the store path to the given one, copying any artifacts if needed Args: new_path (str): New path to set Returns: None """ self.path = new_path self.to_copy.extend(self.get_artifacts())