Source code for repoman.common.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
import glob
import logging
import os
import pprint
import shutil
import string
import subprocess
import sys

from functools import partial

import gnupg
import requests
import six

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NotSamePackage(Exception): """Thrown when trying to compare different packages""" pass
[docs]def get_gpg(homedir=os.path.expanduser('~/.gnupg'), use_agent=False): try: # older gnupg gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=homedir, use_agent=use_agent) except TypeError: gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir=homedir, use_agent=use_agent) return gpg
[docs]def gpg_load_key(key_path, gpg=None): logger.debug('Loading key %s', key_path) gpg = gpg if gpg is not None else get_gpg() with open(key_path) as key_fd: skey = gpg.import_keys( fprint = skey.results[0]['fingerprint'] logger.debug('Loaded key %s with fingerprint %s', key_path, fprint) return fprint
[docs]def gpg_get_keyuid(key_path, gpg=None): logger.debug('Looking the uid for %s', key_path) gpg = gpg if gpg is not None else get_gpg() fprint = gpg_load_key(key_path=key_path, gpg=gpg) keyuid = None for key in gpg.list_keys(True): if key['fingerprint'] == fprint: keyuid = key['uids'][0] if not keyuid: for key in gpg.list_keys(): if key['fingerprint'] == fprint: keyuid = key['uids'][0] if not keyuid: raise Exception('Failed to get uid for key %s' % key_path) logger.debug('Got uid %s for %s', keyuid, key_path) return keyuid
[docs]def gpg_get_keyhex(key_path, gpg=None): logger.debug('Looking the hex uid for %s', key_path) gpg = gpg if gpg is not None else get_gpg() fprint = gpg_load_key(key_path=key_path, gpg=gpg) keyhex = None for key in gpg.list_keys(True): if key['fingerprint'] == fprint: keyhex = key['keyid'] if not keyhex: for key in gpg.list_keys(): if key['fingerprint'] == fprint: keyhex = key['keyid'] if not keyhex: raise Exception( 'Failed to get hex uid for key %s' % key_path ) logger.debug('Got hex uid %s for %s', keyhex, key_path) return keyhex
[docs]def gpg_unlock(key_path, use_agent=True, passphrase=None, gpg=None): logger.debug('Unlocking gpg key %s' % key_path) gpg = gpg if gpg is not None else get_gpg( homedir=None, use_agent=use_agent, ) key_uid = gpg_get_keyuid(key_path=key_path, gpg=gpg) sign = partial( gpg.sign, message='Dummy_message', keyid=key_uid, ) if passphrase: sign(passphrase=passphrase) else: sign() logger.debug('Unlocked gpg key %s' % key_path) return gpg
[docs]def response2str(response): return ( 'URL: {url}\n' 'Status: {status_code}\n' 'Reason: {reason}\n' 'Headers: {headers}\n' 'Body: {text}\n' ).format( url=response.url, status_code=response.status_code, reason=response.reason, headers=pprint.pformat(dict(response.headers)), text=response.text.encode('utf-8'), )
[docs]def get_plugins(plugin_dir=None): """ Given a path, returns the importable files and directories in it """ plugin_dir = plugin_dir or os.path.dirname(__file__) modules = [] for module in glob.glob(plugin_dir + "/*"): if not module.endswith('.py') \ and not os.path.isdir(module): continue if module.endswith(''): continue if module.endswith('.py'): modules.append(os.path.basename(module)[:-3]) elif ( os.path.isdir(module) and os.path.isfile(module + '/') ): modules.append(os.path.basename(module)) return modules
[docs]def find_recursive(base_path, fmatch): """ Walks a directory recursively and returns the list of files for which fmatch(filename) returns True """ logger.debug('Recursively looking into %s', base_path) matched_files = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(base_path): matched_files.extend([ os.path.join(root, fname) for fname in files if fmatch(fname) ]) logger.debug('Got matched artifacts: %s', matched_files) return matched_files
[docs]def tryint(mayint): """ Tries to cast to int, and returns the same object if failed. """ try: return int(mayint) except ValueError: return mayint
[docs]def cmpver(ver1, ver2): """ Compares two version in a natural sort ordering fashion (what you usually expect when comparing versions yourself). Thought for version strings in the form: x.y.z """ ver1 = '.' in ver1 and ver1.split('.') or (ver1,) ver2 = '.' in ver2 and ver2.split('.') or (ver2,) ver1 = [tryint(i) for i in ver1] ver2 = [tryint(i) for i in ver2] if ver1 > ver2: return -1 if ver1 == ver2: return 0 else: return 1
[docs]def cmpfullver(fullver1, fullver2): """ Compares version strings in the form: x.y.z-a.b.c """ ver1, rel1 = split(fullver1, '-', 1) ver2, rel2 = split(fullver2, '-', 1) ver_res = cmpver(ver1, ver2) if ver_res != 0: return ver_res return cmpver(rel1, rel2)
[docs]def to_human_size(fsize): """ Pass a number from bytes, to human readable form, using 1024 multiples. """ mb = fsize / (1024 * 1024) if mb >= 1: return '%dM' % mb kb = fsize / 1024 if kb >= 1: return '%dK' % kb return '%dB' % fsize
[docs]def download(path, dest_path, tries=3, verify=True): """ Download a package from a url. """ headers = requests.head(path, verify=verify) chunk_size = 4096 # length == 0 means that we don't know the size length = int(headers.headers.get('content-length', 0)) or 0'Downloading %s, length %s ...', path, length and to_human_size(length) or 'unknown') num_dots = 100 dot_frec = (length / num_dots) or 1 stream = requests.get(path, stream=True, verify=verify) while not stream and tries: stream = requests.get(path, stream=True, verify=verify) tries -= 1 if not tries: raise Exception( 'Failed to download %s\n\tcode: %d\n\treason: %s' % (stream.url, stream.status_code, stream.reason) ) prev_percent = 0 progress = 0 if length: cur_percent = 0 sys.stdout.write( ' %[' + '-' * 23 + '25' + '-' * 24 + '50' + '-' * 23 + '75' + '-' * 24 + ']\r' + ' %[' ) sys.stdout.flush() with open(dest_path, 'w') as rpm_fd: for chunk in stream.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): if chunk: rpm_fd.write(chunk) progress += len(chunk) cur_percent = int(progress / dot_frec) if length and cur_percent > prev_percent: for _ in six.moves.xrange(cur_percent - prev_percent): sys.stdout.write('=') sys.stdout.flush() prev_percent = cur_percent elif not length: prev_percent = print_busy(prev_percent) if length: if cur_percent < num_dots: sys.stdout.write('=') sys.stdout.write(']\n') sys.stdout.flush() else: sys.stdout.flush()' Done')
[docs]def copy(what, where): """Try to link, try to copy if cross-device""" try:, where) except OSError as oerror: if oerror.errno == 18: shutil.copy2(what, where) else: logging.error('cannot copy %s on %s' % (what, where)) raise
[docs]def extract_sources(rpm_path, dst_dir, with_patches=False): """ Extract the source files fro a srcrpm, uses rpm2cpio :param rpm_path: Path to the srcrpm :param dst_dir: Destination directory to hold the sources, will create it if it does not exist :param with_patches: if set to True, extract also the .patch files if any """ if not os.path.isdir(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) oldpath = os.getcwd() if not dst_dir.startswith('/'): dst_dir = oldpath + '/' + dst_dir if not rpm_path.startswith('/'): rpm_path = oldpath + '/' + rpm_path dst_path = dst_dir + '/' + rpm_path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] copy(rpm_path, dst_path) os.chdir(dst_dir) try: rpm2cpio = subprocess.Popen(['rpm2cpio', dst_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) cpio_cmd = ['cpio', '-iv', '*gz', '*.zip', '*.7z', '*.xz'] if with_patches: cpio_cmd.append('*.patch') with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: cpio = subprocess.Popen( cpio_cmd, stdin=rpm2cpio.stdout, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, ) rpm2cpio.stdout.close() (stdout, stderr) = cpio.communicate() if cpio.returncode != 0: raise Exception( "Failed to extract sources:\n== STDOUT:\n%s\n== STDERR:\n%s", stdout, stderr, ) finally: os.chdir(oldpath) os.remove(dst_path)
[docs]def sign_file(gpg, fname, keyid, passphrase, detach=True): with open(fname) as f_desc: try: # old gnupg signature = gpg.sign_func( f_desc, keyid=keyid, passphrase=passphrase, detach=True, binary=False, ) except AttributeError: signature = gpg.sign_file( f_desc, keyid=keyid, passphrase=passphrase, detach=True, clearsign=False, binary=False, ) if not raise Exception( "Failed to sign file %s: \n%s", fname, signature.stderr ) with open(fname + '.sig', 'w') as sfd: sfd.write(
[docs]def sign_detached(src_dir, key, passphrase=None): """ Create the detached signatures for the files in the specified dir. :param src_dir: File to sign or directory with files to sign (recursively) :param key: Key to sign the sources with :param passphrase: Passphrase for the given key """ oldpath = os.getcwd() if not src_dir.startswith('/'): src_dir = oldpath + '/' + src_dir try: # older gnupg gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=os.path.expanduser('~/.gnupg')) except TypeError: gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir=os.path.expanduser('~/.gnupg')) with open(key) as key_fd: skey = gpg.import_keys( fprint = skey.results[0]['fingerprint'] keyid = None for user_key in gpg.list_keys(True): if user_key['fingerprint'] == fprint: keyid = user_key['keyid'] if os.path.isdir(src_dir): for dname, _, files in os.walk(src_dir): for fname in files: if fname.endswith('.sig'): continue sign_file( gpg=gpg, fname=os.path.join(dname, fname), keyid=keyid, passphrase=passphrase, ) else: fname = src_dir sign_file( gpg=gpg, fname=fname, keyid=keyid, passphrase=passphrase, )
[docs]def save_file(src_path, dst_path): """ Save a file to a specific new path if not there already. Will create the path tree if it does not exist already. :param src_path: Source path for the package :param dst_path: New path to save the package to """ if os.path.exists(dst_path): logging.debug('Not saving %s, already exists', dst_path) return'Saving %s', dst_path) if not os.path.exists(dst_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]): os.makedirs(dst_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]) copy(src_path, dst_path)
[docs]def list_files(path, extension): '''Find all the files with the given extension under the given dir''' files_found = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(path): for fname in files: if fname.endswith(extension): files_found.append(root + '/' + fname) return files_found
[docs]def split(what, separator, num_results=None): if num_results is None: return what.split(separator) res = what.split(separator, num_results) res.extend([''] * (num_results - len(res) + 1)) return res
[docs]def rsplit(what, separator, num_results=None): if num_results is None: return what.rsplit(separator) res = what.rsplit(separator, num_results) res.extend([''] * (num_results - len(res) + 1)) return res
[docs]def get_last(what, num): if len(what) >= num: return what[:num] else: what = what[:] what.extend([None] * (num - len(what))) return what
[docs]def sanitize_file_name(file_name, replacement='_'): """ Replaces any unwanted characters from the given file or dir name with the given replacement string Args: file_name (str): file or directory name to sanitize replacement (str): what to put in place of the bad chars Returns: str: sanitized name with all the bad chars replaced Example: >>> sanitize_file_name("I'm an /ugly%#@!") 'I_m an _ugly____' >>> sanitize_file_name("I'm an /ugly%#@!", replacement='-') 'I-m an -ugly----' """ valid_chars = "-_.() %s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits) return ''.join( c if c in valid_chars else replacement for c in file_name )